
It is without us and within us
Pervading the universe but not contained like a caged bird
It sits here and there with no before and after
As it is not bound by numbers on the circle
It is lost when it is uttered
Even the first syllable is only its frontier
It is something when perceived
But the perceived is not what it is
The mind tries to seize it with logic
And yet it is nowhere to be seen
What’s left is only a tiny scrap of it
And yet people treat it as everything
Sometimes it can be attained and reached
Not with stairs but with complete serenity
In normalcy it likes to play hide and seek
What’s hiding and seeking are indeed the same thing
Yet somehow it is always thought to be hiding
The one who seeks does not know she is also hiding
It never is and always is
It is beyond and sometimes beneath your eyelids
Label it and you get something to worship
Forget it and you have nowhere to cling
Remember it and yet you are distracted by many other things
It seems to belong to the mystics
Out of exhaustion the ordinary wants to get it
They follow the paths of the authorities
And they are just as chaotic
Who really knows what it is?
It is not when it is known
When it is known it is not
It is both “is” and “is not”
Please tell me where to go
I hope you are as clueless as I have always thought.


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